This past Monday afternoon Tom and I previewed the future expanded floor space at Kingerfisher Bookstore. Proprietor and all-around-awesome-lady, Meg, gave us permission to record our first indoor-off-season at-a-business podcast in the basement of her historic building in Coupeville, WA.
The upcoming additional space is going to double the display space for Meg and Kingfisher — and as a fellow book-lover I couldn’t be more EXCITED! Meg also has vision of using this space for author readings. There is a giant door that opens to the cove on the back wall of the basement, and Meg has even imagined these readings to include audience members listening in on the bows of their boats.
So why were Tom and I spending time in the basement? To record the latest podcast, of course!

This past Monday Tom and I returned to our roots — just as with our first two WOWI episodes it was a discussion between Tom and myself. Our focus was around my experiences now being one year into being a self-published author. I’ve learned much — largely based on Tom’s knowledgeable coaching — and this is a topic that could easily supply a number of episodes …. which might explain why this turned out to be our longest recording to date (oops). Maybe it wouldn’t have been as long had I been operating on a full night’s sleep and didn’t keep repeating myself …
Looking further into the future … it appears that Tom and I will be interviewing author and blogger Dan Pedersen. With a new book soon to be released, talking with Dan promises to be interesting indeed! Location TBA, recording on November 20th.
~ Don
Writing On Whidbey Island (WOWI) episode 7 – Don Scoby Bake Your Own Darn Good Cookies – first anniversary
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