Hello WOWI fans! This is my first blog post for the show! Thank you for allowing Sarah and me to step in as new co-hosts in the wake of Tom’s departure. We are both very excited to be a part of the show and to be given the opportunity to meet so many incredible writers on the island.
With that said, we recently had an amazing guest come and share her extraordinary experiences writing here on Whidbey. For many, the island can be considered a getaway or an oasis retreat for their art, craft, or even a simple family vacation. But for those of us who live here and seek the solitude of island life, this place can offer so much more.
Barbara Wolf Terao dives deep into her time here on the island. The personal battles that she has fought and the journey that she has overcome to be the person she is today. Her book, “Reconfigured: A Memoir“, is a personal milestone in which she captures the depth of human tragedy and the heights of humor. She shares the wisdom that only comes through trial and adversity while freely giving love and compassion back to the world around her.
In this session, Barbara shares her love and passion for writing and her lifelong goal of writing a book as well as the beautiful truths that she has learned in her time on Whidbey. Under the shades of South Whidbey Park, she truly came to light as passion, hope, and life flowed from her words. I hope that you enjoy our conversation as much as we did!
Bummer news today… I’ve been looking forward to local poet extraordinaire, Daniel Edward Moore, joining the WOWI Team with the official re-debut of the podcast. Daniel politely messaged me and said he had to decline.
Sadly, this also means we never got to find out what his favourite beverage is to list on his host profile page. Oh well!
But Why?!?
Daniel his thoroughly involved in his writing and the local poetry scene. Previously (and currently?) he has hosted a regular poetry workshop at the Oak Harbor Library. He informed me that he has teamed up with another gentleman with the intention to start a monthly Whidbey Island poetry reading event. Who knows — once it has some legs on it, that could be a great subject for a WOWI interview. In any case, CONGRATULATIONS GUYS, with your involvement I’m sure it will go great — and I’d like to know about when it’s going to happen, too!
So what does this do for the WOWI Team?
This could be you
When co-founder co-host Tom Trimbath moved on from Writing On Whidbey Island, he made a few suggestions for the future of the show — adding to my own ideas. While I thought to recruit a small team of co-hosts, he suggested balancing the show between male and female personalities. In a way, this seemed kind of odd to me, however it also made sense. So …
Writing On Whidbey Island will be looking for a new co-host to add to the team. So far, all of my new recruits have been past guests. While this takes a lot of work out of the ‘talent search’, I don’t view this as an absolute requirement. I have added a page to the WOWI site detailing what I look for in co-hosts. To be entirely frank — with Lauren and Sarah already on board — I will be looking for another gent to join us, and (this may also seem odd) preferably one who lives on the northern half of Whidbey Island*. This may be conducted as a ‘lazy search’, taking time to find the right guy — and at the same time, if a fellow contacts us and something goes together soon… all the better.
* If you get the position, this will be explained later.
As you have surely heard by now, there are a few changes coming up with Writing On Whidbey Island. One chapter has come to a close, and a new chapter is beginning … with a little time off in between. Tom Trimbath has moved on from WOWI, giving the show (the joy and all of the responsibility that comes with it) to me, and the “show must go on!” While re-debut of WOWI is planned for Fall 2023 … an interim podcast session was recorded in June where the question was asked, “Is AI-OK?”
Tom and I recorded our last WOWI session together on 15April2023. Following the show, we discussed some ideas for the show going forward. We had discussed several ideas over the past 3+ years while producing and hosting the show together. These ideas are in the works – and Tom gave me a few new ones. Soon after I recruited three former guests – some of my favourites – Sarah, Lauren, and Daniel. Really to say, I prayed to The Podcasting Gods and got lucky! Sarah, Lauren, and I got to talking about things to come … and it became clear that we should get together for an in-between podcast session.
We wanted to discuss a current and rather hot topic – the use of Artificial Intelligence software in the creative arts. What is it and what can it do? Where is the technology at and were is it going? What are its strengths and weaknesses? How are artists using it? Most importantly … what are the moral aspects within the industry?
The Coupeville Library
We met at the Coupeville Library. This was Sarah and Lauren’s first time on the host side of the mic – this AI topic proved to be spirited and incredibly fun. What was planned to be a 40 minute session turned out to be 73. Meeting with these two not only made for a magnificent session, it helped affirm that I was right in seeking them as new WOWI hosts and that the show’s future looks bright!
I even learned a new-to-me AI-related term with this recording session – Uncanny Valley!
So where is this recording?
Spring and summer is a doubly busy time for me. It’s the busy time in the bagpiping world, and I do seasonal work as a SCUBA diver. Taking on the whole of WOWI came at an awkward time. Historically, Tom did the heavy lifting during this season – so this constituted the show taking a break. The plan has been – and still is – for the show to re-launch this Fall. And this “Is AI-OK?” session launches … NOW!
~ Don
Writing On Whidbey Island (WOWI) Episode 46 AI Okay? V Oh No!
The new movie “The Creator” is intended to open on 29September2023 — an AI system has taken over the earth … oh yeah, it’s on people’s minds!
What a year for WOWI! Moreover … this Could be “What a year for WOWI coming from my perspective of a busy Spring/Summer 2023!“. Yeah, too long. Let’s go with the first one.
Let’s get current with some updates on where WOWI’s been, where it’s at, and where it’s going… (Settle in — this could be a long one …)
Don playing Scottish smallpipes before Tom presented his book “Walking, Thinking, Drinking Across Scotland” at the Langley Library.
As WOWI fans far and wide are aware, there was a significant change to the podcast earlier this year. My friend, Tom Trimbath — the estimableCo-Founder, Co-Host, & Episode Planner — decided to move on from the show due to work commitments*. After nearly four years of producing Writing On Whidbey Island, we met for our last recording at the Coupeville Library in April 2023. As Tom became our first emeritus co-host, we discussed the future for Tom’s literary creations and for WOWI.
(* Whidbey Island is not free of the gossip network — therefore, to be entirely clear … Tom left the show for work commitments only. In the bigger picture I suspect this could be filed under the heading of ‘Personal Life Balance’; I respect this and find challenges with it myself. There was no conflict between Tom and myself. We are still friends and keep in touch. If you hear otherwise, it’s malarkey.)
So what’s that picture of you two about?!?
12June2023 – Tom and Don at the Coupeville WA library, holding intense business negotiations for the value of the WOWI website with gluten free cookies — Mmmm …. COOKIES!
The WOWI website and domain name have technically been Tom’s property. The site was on his hosting space, and he was paying the annual bill for WritingOnWhidbeyIsland.com (for the record, I’m the one who came up with the clever name). Just in case there ever was any question, Tom felt he needed to ‘sell’ it to me. On record. For at least a dollar. So, in June, Tom and I met again at the Coupeville library (see — everything’s good between us!). “But WHY?!?” Because neither of us wanted to deal with ‘money between friends’, we agreed that I would make and present him with a batch of gluten free cookies. They were Ginger Citrus as I recall. We also sealed-the-deal with a handshake, as gentlemen. One of the librarians was also kind enough to help us with some photo evidence. S0… I am now the ‘sole owner’ of all things Writing On Whidbey Island — the domain name, the website, audio content — everything… ULTIMATE POWER!!!
The Change Came at an Awkward Time
Dive work! I’m in the back, my boss in the foreground … er, forewater
Nothing against Tom — he needed to do what he needed to do — but this hand-over of WOWI came at an awkward time. (Somehow I’m guessing you already knew that…) For the past five years I have been performing seasonal work as a SCUBA diver. These jobs have taken me off island and away from home for weeks at a time. This is also the beginning of my busy season as a Highland bagpiper in the local Scottish community. Busy + Busy = BUSY … I’ve done the math! Typically, Tom would take over all administrative aspects of producing the podcast during these months. Communications, booking, and writing blog posts. All I had bandwidth for was showing up to the scheduled session, recording, and getting the finished podcast to Tom for upload.
Don AKA BiscottiDon AKA BagpiperDon
Tom’s departure left me with a choice — wrap up WOWI or continue? As the saying goes … The Show Must Go On! While this podcast is still ‘young’, it has proven to be ‘small-but-powerful’. Not only has it been getting known as a local entity, we have heard from folks afar. I feel it is too important to go away — so until I see otherwise, WOWI Must Go On!
Although, considering what would need to happen for this podcast to continue, it was immediately clear to me that WOWI would need to go on a Spring/Summer 2023 hiatus.
What’s Happened Since — and What’s Yet to Come?
To continue Writing On Whidbey Island, I would need to find at least one new co-host. Taking Tom’s suggestion during our last recording session, I felt it would be good to recruit a small team of co-host personalities — and to better balance bringing some women into the lineup. After a short search, contacting past guests I most enjoyed, I got lucky and THREE STELLAR INDIVIDUALS Soon Said YES!
Lauren, Sarah, and Daniel will be coming on the show during the coming months. I met with Sarah and Lauren in June and August and recorded two WOWI sessions. One episodes questions the use of Artificial Intelligence in the creative process, the other about taking the active step of retreating for the sake of writing. Those should be posted within the next few weeks. The ‘official’ re-debut of Writing On Whidbey Island looks to happen with a September or October session — hopefully featuring the four of us!
Also, if you’re reading this blog post after mid-September 2023 — then the website has been moved to my webhost, re-launched, and given numerous updates. One more thing for the future of WOWI is falling into place!
What’s Yet to Come…
During the last three years Tom and I identified improvements we wanted to make to the show — however we never had the time to implement them. I intend to faze these in along with several several others I have seen as being in the best interest and creative direction of Writing On Whidbey Island.
I am in the process of finding a podcast platform for our sessions. This should help reach a wider audience and bring enjoyment to a greater body of listeners. In the meantime, the most recent episodes will be featured directly on the site. And, since I only have so much hosting space, as a new podcast goes up … the oldest will get take down.
In the coming months look for other additions to Writing On Whidbey Island. I plan to get some original music to introduce and close each episode, along with establishing various social media profiles. How about some official WOWI merch to help support the show — travel stickers, T-shirts, travel cups — what would you like to see? Contact us!
Welcome back WOWI podcast and blog-post fans! As many of you know the site and show has taken a bit of a hiatus over the summer. And, likewise, you know I have planned to relaunch the show around Fall 2023. Progress has been made — I have a few outstanding new co-hosts recruited, and we’ve recorded a couple of interim session. I have also moved the website and domain from WOWI-emeritus co-founder / co-host Tom Trimbath‘s webhost my webhost (so many hosts!) and started making updates. Much of this has fallen into place — EASY — except for the website … and I’m here to tell you how Annie at Midnight Rebel DigitalSAVED THE DAY!!!
Saving you technical details*, moving the site involved uploading a backup of the original to my site. That went A-O-K! Getting it to go live, however … that got stuck in the mud — never had a site not-go-live at that point. I tried figuring it out — no luck. When I attempted to get tech-support from my webhost, they were apparently not up for the challenge. What to do — WHAT TO DO???
* Me as well, because I understand this stuff just enough to be dangerous.
Figuratively speaking, I was pulling my hair completely out! My friend, Annie Anderson — a website wizard, and owner of Midnight Rebel Digital — has always helped with the odd web-question I have had … so I thought to ask her of course. Annie took on the challenge LIKE A BOSS!!! Actually, she took it on with typical calm demeanor, but saying “LIKE A BOSS!!!“, didn’t it?
Annie Found a Bug
Something had glitched — the website had an overlapping existence with one of my other sites. Frankly, I don’t know exactly what she did — but it was how she did it that impressed my socks off! In about an hour, Annie meticulously worked to identify the issue, and resolved it — even looking for additional issues that could crop up. She could not have more down-to-earth, good humored, and patient (er, with me) in the process. Writing On Whidbey Island is Live and Awesome Again!
But Wait — THERE’S MORE!
Remember that ‘other website’ I mentioned? It was my BagpiperDon site — quite important to me! A few days later, I happened to take a look at it — another glitch — only the homepage was there. I messaged Annie — yes, I was FREAKING OUT that my oldest site was GONE. Again — calm, knowledgeable, and confident — Annie said “Yeah, sometimes that happens. Usually it’s a simple fix, so let’s start with this …”, and instructed me to log into the site, go to this one place, click save. I reloaded my site and — RELIEF — Everything Was There!
So — yeah — I’m plugging Midnight Rebel Digital!
Annie was OUTSTANDING to get to work with. She saved the day when no one else could or would. She’s the composed affable professional who easily earns your trust and then delivers backed by no small amount of proven industry experience. Need a website? Need your website fixed or improved? Need to see what your website can do for you — go, and go NOW, to Midnight Rebel Digital! Tell Annie that BagpiperDon at Writing On Whidbey Island sent you.
PS to Annie — Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!
Find Annie and MRD at the following places online…
Betwixt & Between – Merriam-Webster.com defines this as “in a midway position; neither one thing nor the other“. While WOWI is on a bit of a ‘summer hiatus‘ as it undergoes some changes … there have been some developments … and it seems like the right time to give an update. This won’t be just any-ol’-update … it will also be coming with a preview.
But What Does That Really Mean?
Sometime soon*, I will be meeting with an entity that will be a future WOWI co-host**. My aim for the recording session is to update the listeners of WOWI future plans along with developments***, and to discuss a current Hot Topic**** going on in the writing and publishing world.
* PSST — This is happening tomorrow!
** This is a surprise … well, only sort of
*** This is only slightly a secret for now
**** You’ll have to listen to the podcast, which should publish … ehh, in about a week
Here’s the other thing about all of this … I’M REALLY EXCITED!!!
Of all the things I want to bring to WOWI and its listeners, the first most important thing on my wish-list has turned out every big as good and better than I possibly could have hoped! I’ve been SWAMPED, so most of the rest of my to-do list is still in the planning or research stages. However, long-time-listeners will also see that there has been other bits of progress — like updates to the website!
Watch for the release of this interim podcast episode, and please keep with WOWI as we go forward!
Yes — sad but true — founding host Tom Trimbath has departed from Writing On Whidbey Island. He helped start something great, and he will be missed — first and foremost by me — and I look forward to seeing what develops for him as he continues his writing and publishing journey!
However, you might be asking yourself … What is the future of WOWI?
And I might reply … that I don’t have a whole lot of time to go into that right now — but … as the saying goes … The Show Must Go On!
Tom has handed Writing On Whidbey Island over to me. With this, I see an opportunity to bring some new elements to the show — many of which are things Tom and I have wanted to do, but just haven’t had the time to develop. I intend to have guest hosts join me to discuss writing topics and to interview individuals from our island writing community. The suggestion has been given to include unique intro and outro music to the show — something I was already looking into! In time, I plan to move the audio to a podcast platform so that more people may become aware of and benefit from WOWI. How about WOWI merch — stickers, T-shirts, etc? I hope to also create and maintain a few social media profiles — probably Twitter and Facebook.
And the future of WOWI will happen … In The Future!
Hello, my name is Don, I’ll be your Highland bagpiper for today.
As you’ve heard in our earlier podcasts — this is the beginning of my annual seasonal work — otherwise known as my Busy Season. Typically, Tom has done most of the heavy-lifting behind the scenes at this time of the year. Right now, I am unable to juggle work and rolling from 50% production of the podcast to 100% management — so I need to take a little break!
My plan is to resume Writing On Whidbey Island later this year — probably around Fall. Meanwhile, I intend to work on my plans above and begin to put these new show elements into place.
Please enjoy the past episodes in the meantime, and I look forward to you rejoining WOWI in the coming months.
Nearly four years ago, Tom and I took action on a somewhat thought out semi-crazy idea. We met at a park in Coupeville, WA, and hiked down a winding dirt path to the beach below. We sat down on some rocks, and I fired up my recording unit. What followed — in addition to the sounds of waves, seagulls, and local jets — was our first two Writing On Whidbey Island podcast episodes. (Episodes One & Two)
Playing Scottish smallpipes before Tom presented his book “Walking, Thinking, Drinking Across Scotland”.
Our recording sessions have taken us all over our beloved island, and we’ve had the pleasure of spending time with several magnificent people from our local writing community. During this time our show has grown in meaning and listeners — even gaining recognition beyond the greater literary community here on the island.
A little over a week ago, Tom and I met at the Coupeville Library for a special show — moreover, one that was bittersweet for me. For personal reasons, Tom announced his departure from Writing On Whidbey Island — chiefly, it’s because he’s a busy guy!
It was great to spend time with Tom, discussing our earlier episodes, what the show has developed into and contributed to the community, and getting to talk about the future of Writing On Whidbey Island. I couldn’t have started this podcast without Tom, and as a founding member of WOWI he has set the show on its unique path. With any luck, Tom will rejoin the show as a future guest with one of his next book releases.
Have you been frolicking enough? We started this interview with a question from her website. Anna Cosper helped produce and publish the most recent edition of a familiar Whidbey favorite, Hometown Heroes*. That’s enough of an accomplishment, as well as a great introduction to dozens of the island’s heroes. But she also is a book illustrator, who sells commissioned illustrations and paintings; a book formatter, a frequently requested skill; and a fan of artistic expression in the literary arts, but also in dance, and puppetry. A very Whidbey resume.
She took a long route to get to Whidbey Island, including the Netherlands, Myanmar, Thailand, and Botswana. Those stories alone could probably be enough for hours of presentations and talks. She even did a puppetry tour down the West Coast of the US – by bicycle. Add that to the list of topics she can talk about from personal experience.
We didn’t talk about all of that; but much of it. Most of the hour-ish conversation was about balancing personal art projects with helping others with theirs (for a fee, as appropriate). She understands that every artist, every author, has choices to make because she has had to make those choices, too.
We also talked about Whidbey’s art community and how uncommon it is, and how that can be appealing enough to draw some people here to live, or work, or simply to visit.
Set aside a bit more than an hour to hear laughter, know that blushing was involved, and listen in as we touch of the rise of AI and its influence on the arts.
Oh yeah, and frolicking – that was the first thing she answered. (To be alerted about the release of her series of cards and other frolicking products sign up at annacosper.com/artforall.) And, remember, at its core, everything is memoir. Sounds like a good bumper sticker.
Random white board art not by Luke Kruger_Howard — although similarly fun to discover!
Graphic novelist. There’s a term that can be mis-understood. Is that a novelist who is graphic? No. Luke Kruger-Howard is a graphic novelist from the cartoonist side of things. He considers himself an ambassador for cartooning. Cartooning stretches from doodles to Dilbert to the other end of the spectrum like anime and Maus. There’s a lot out there.
Luke talked about realities of being printed in the New Yorker, and what to do when their response is a rejection letter. Some of his work is single-panel, but much of it is longer form, hence, graphic novelist. He’s also modern enough that he doesn’t limit himself to the boundaries of a page. Hello, infinite scrolling online. Regardless he continues to have “a romantic relationship with the printed page.”
Creating the art is one thing, actually many things; but he also taught cartooning and book-making at the Center for Cartoon Studies. His move to Whidbey now means he gets to teach things like potty-training to two small humans, a temporary gig. While he is here he is interested in getting involved in art-making classes for kids. Hello, Whidbey’s schools and art organizations.
Throw in some philosophical work regarding the impact of money on creativity – and this description will fall short of the breadth and depth of Luke in this one hour conversation. Imagine if we talked for two.